Friday, November 14, 2014

Once Upon A Time In America

Once Upon a Time  ……  immigrants came to American as we were a young and rapidly expanding nation offering opportunity to anyone willing to work hard and take a chance on themselves.  We stood with open arms, asking for the help from others that was needed to make our nation grow and prosper.   But that was long ago and while America is still looked upon as the land of opportunity, it is not necessarily opportunity that so many who wish to cross the border into our country are now looking for.

Over the past 50 years a profane transformation of our nation’s immigration policies has taken place.  A desire to welcome those who enter the United States illegally has been perpetuated by the liberal faction in this country with absolute disregard to the burden that doing so places on the resources created, paid for and consumed by the hard working and law abiding men, women and children of this nation.  No longer drawn in by the vast opportunities that were once available and offered by a fledgling county, the transformation of our immigration policies now incents illegal’s to cross our borders so that they can take advantage of the free offerings our government is now legally bound to provide them. 

While there are some immigrants, illegal or otherwise, that do come to this country still willing to take the risk and work hard for the opportunity to prosper in the greatest nation in the world, there are far too many that cross our boarders seeking no more than the handouts that our government has promised them.  It is a promise that should never have been made.

Nowhere in the constitution is it written that the United States is a land without closed border nor does the constitution stipulate that all who try and enter this great nation will be met with open arms and that the government has an obligation to ensure the health and well-being of those who cross our borders.  These are merely the profane transformations of our nation’s immigrations policies that have become a huge burden on our country.

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