Thursday, November 20, 2014

Jon Gruber - A Beacon of Modern Progressivism

Jon Gruber may not be the death of ObamaCare, as many of the law’s critics would like him to be, but he has most certainly become the poster child for all things that are wrong with Modern Progressivism.

Jon Gruber was a name largely unknown to the average American until recently, when a story  broke of his involvement in the orchestration of ObamaCare in which he stated that it was “the stupidity of the American voter” that lead to the passage of healthcare law.

When you watch the numerous video clips that have surfaced of Gruber, if his display of arrogance does not make you want to pull him through the computer monitor and punch him in the face, the smug and caviler manner to which he speaks down on voting Americans certainly will.  Of course there are those that share the progressive view that “people are not smart enough to think for themselves” who probably applauded Gruber when the watched these videos.

Sadly, Gruber does not have a corner on the market of his own special kind of ignorance as his general attitude towards the average American is not much different from many other modern progressives including our very own President Obama.  There will be no better example of the “I know better what is good for you” mentality that envelopes modern progressivism than will be demonstrated tonight when the president addresses the nation and spells out his plan to halt the deportation of 5 million illegal immigrants through executive fiat, a move that has and continues to be strongly opposed by the vast majority of Americans.

In a recent appearance on Fox News The O’Reilly Factor, Charles Krauthammer summed things up perfectly when speaking on the topic of the Gruber videos with host Bill O’Reilly:

“This is exactly what conservatives have been saying for four years. What we’re hearing now is the true voice of liberal arrogance. [T]hey believe they know the right way—they have to lead the masses to the Promised Land, and they can only do it by deception. And that’s what he said openly…[they] lied about everything.”

It is not the progressive’s desire to move towards better conditions in society and government that is flawed, it is the arrogance that has been adopted in the approach to reach this goal that is wrong.  We are seeing it more and more, this attitude of “the end justifies the means at any cost”, coming from modern progressives and even more terrifying, many have grown so arrogant that they are stating it openly.

Our own US Attorney General Eric Holder, another pillar of progressivism, shared with us in a New York Times interview this past February how progressive ideology trumps the rule of law that governs our nation, or at least used to.  Speaking on the topic of gay marriage, in his interview he stated that
state attorney generals do not have to enforce laws they disagree with, specifically when it comes to the issue of gay marriage. 

It does not take a Harvard Law Professor to see how dangerously wrong Eric Holder was in telling states attorney generals that they do not have to enforce laws that they do not agree with, unless of course you share the same “I know better therefor laws I do not agree with do not apply to me” progressive view that America’s top cops does.

There is no defense for Holders suggestion to act lawlessly, but in his mind he did so in support of what he truly believed to be right which, as dangerously flawed as his logic may be, at least he did not do so out of malice. 

On the other hand you have Jon Gruber, a hired gun and political mercenary of sorts who acts at the bidding of whoever is signing his paycheck.  And it is his progressive ideology that creates the arrogance used to justify the manipulation of the means in any way necessary to reach the end.  The particular skillset to manipulate the truth into a more attractive narrative, that Jon Gruber possesses, has been highly coveted by the Obama Administration and other states political proponents of ObamaCare.

Jon Gruber is certainly not alone in his arrogance, but recent events have most defiantly made him America’s poster child for all things wrong with Modern Progressivism.

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