Monday, December 31, 2012

Pushing His Agenda - Obama Shows No Sign of Leadership

It should come as no surprise to Americans that we have found ourselves standing on the edge of the fiscal cliff just waiting for our President to give us all the OK to jump off.

Since early in his term as president, Obama has been chastised by Republican leaders for his spendthrift attitude in support of his social agenda.  The undisputed ‘King of Debt’ President Obama has raised the bar on uncontrolled government spending to new heights.  Party arguments, from either side of the fence, as to how and why are inconsequential, the fact of the matter is the president’s personal mandate, to achieve the goals of his social agenda, is void of fiscal control.

Immediately following the horrific fall in the nation’s economy in late 2007, the then new president responded by making ObamaCare his top priority, an egregious act of fiscal irresponsibility in the wake of the worst recession that this nation has faced since the Great Depression.  Sadly, ObamaCare was only the first on a long list if fiscally irresponsible acts undertaken by the president, most in pursuit of achieving socioeconomic equality through the re-distribution of wealth and the growth of government.

And so, here we find ourselves once again, with our president holding American hostage to his agenda by threatening to raise taxes on all Americans if Republicans do not concede to his proposal of raising taxes on the wealthy and spending cuts that do not even offset his new spending plan much less put a penny towards reducing the nations rapidly growing debt.  This has clearly been the president’s plan all along, one packed full of campaigning and void of compromise and leadership.

There does not exist a president in modern history that has been as flamboyant and overstepping with his presidential powers as has President Obama.  But let’s not be so quick to blame the President himself as public polls constantly show a pretty even division in the president’s popularity but then again, being the president is not a job of popularity but one of leadership and in that regard, Obama has earned himself a big F-.

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