Monday, January 5, 2015

How To Go From Junior Senator To President In 6 Easy Steps

It wasn’t really all that hard, all it took was a political party more driven by gimmickry than political prowess, a complaint media and the apathy of voters who were simply not caring enough to take the time to do their homework and learn a little about some guy they never heard of.  Of course, Barack Obama had to do his part too! 

Here is what you need to do to rise from the ranks of a relative unknown Jr. Senator to becoming the POTUS in 6 easy steps.

No. 6  -  Be a Dynamic Speaker

In a mere 17 minutes, an obscure and relative unknown Illinois State Senator wowed a roomful of democrats, many of which likely had little if any idea who he was.

It was from a recorded response to President Bush’s weekly radio address that several democrats got their first earful of Barack Obama the speech giver, one democrat in particular was John Kerry.  The radio response was not of his own writing but the command in which Barack Obama delivered his words was impressive enough to gain him an invitation to deliver the Key Note speech at the coming Democratic National Convention.  For Barack Obama, a 17 minute block of time on July 27, 2004 changed the course of his political career.

Prior to his launch into democratic stardom, Barack Obama had a less than note-worthy professional and political career.  After graduating collage with is Bachelor of Arts degree, he started out as a community organizer and social activist, first in New York and then in some of Chicago’s poorest black neighborhoods.  He also earned his law degree, from Harvard Law, and worked as an associate at a civil rights law firm in addition to his second job of lecturing at Chicago University.

Obama officially entered politics in 1997 where he spent the following 8 years serving as an Illinois State Senator with little fan fair.  A 2000 run for a seat in the US House of Representative ended up in a 2 to 1 defeat for Barack Obama who then later ran for a spot in the US Senate which he won in a surprise landslide.

During his short time in the US Senate, Barack Obama sponsored 137 pieces of legislation only a handful of which were approved by the Senate and only 2 ever became law.

But despite his lack luster political career and extremely limited experience, his dynamic speech giving ability seemed to be all that was necessary to steal the Democratic Presidential Nomination away from Hillary Clinton who was early on believed to be a shoe in for the nomination and likely to win the 2007 US Presidential election.

It certainly does pay to speak well!

No. 5  -  Be History Making

If on February 9th, 2007 you would have asked virtually anyone who they thought was going to win the democratic presidential nomination and even the presidency for that matter, they likely would have answered Hillary Rodham Clinton.  But all that changed during a short speech in front of the Old State Capital Building in Springfield, Illinois the following day.

A beloved Clinton, Hillary’s political career dates back to the early 1960’s.  Then a registered republican, in 1964 Hillary campaigned for Republican Presidential Candidate Barry Goldwater.  At this same time, the man who would become the 44th President of the United States was a mere 3 years of age.

Hillary’s political views change significantly over the next few years, as the nation struggled through a difficult social transformation, and by 1968 she had turned in her republican card so that she could campaign for democratic and antiwar presidential candidate Eugene McCarthy.

Shortly after marrying Bill Clinton in 1975, she become Arkansas’s first Lady during Bill’s tenure as governor from 1979 through 1981 and again from 1983 through 1992.  Immediately following her term as the First Lady of Arkansas she began to prepare herself for the role as First Lady of the United States as she worked diligently alongside her husband in what became a successful run at the presidency.  Hillary served as the First Lady to President Bill Clinton from 1993 through 2001.  In both of her rolls as First Lady, Hillary was incredibly active politically and during her White House years her opinion and influence played a pivotal role in President Clintons decision making process, they were a dynamic team.

Immediately following her term as First Lady, she successfully ran for a seat in the US Senate where she served until throwing her name in the hat for the democratic presidential nomination in 2008.   Hillary was the early front runner and it seem as though John Edwards was her only rival.  History was in the making and it began to look as though the United States was likely going to have its first female president.

But a relative unknown Jr. Senator from Illinois, a man with little experience and nary a claim of success in his short political career became the game changer.  As it turned out, democrats found it far more history making to elect America’s first black president than to elect American’s first woman president despite the overwhelming difference in their credentials and Obama's relative obscurity.

No. 4  -  Claim You Will Do Something That Has Already Been Done

Throughout then candidate Obama’s presidential campaign, he repeatedly stated that if elected, he would end the war in Iraq and bring our troops home.  This was a central premise to his presidential campaign which sparked a great deal of voter enthusiasm for the relative unknown candidate.

Rewind to the start of 2008, a full year before Barack Obama was sworn in to office, it was around this time that the wheels were set in motion to construct the Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) between the US and Iraq which would determine the departure time table and number of forces, if any, that would remain in Iraq.  The SOFA was signed during an official ceremony on November 17th 2008.

As per the SOFA, the new president began to draw down US combat forces in 2009, the last leaving the region just before the end of 2011.

It served Barack Obama well to ride the wave party popularity he created by his campaign claim that he would end the war in Iraq although the deal had already been signed, sealed and delivered before he ever set foot in office.

No. 3  -  Profess To Be a Professor

"I was a constitutional law professor, which means unlike the current president {Bush 43} I actually respect the Constitution."

These were the words uttered by then candidate Obama at a fundraiser in March of 2007 but there was one small problem with his claim, that being Barack Obama was not a constitutional law professor, nor any other kind of professor for that matter.

Unlike a tenured professor, whose desire it is to further academia in their particular field of study through research, exploration, the exchange of ideas with fellow academics and of course publishing their discoveries, Barack Obama’s interest in constitutional law was significantly more constrained.  Obama worked as a lecturer at the University of Chicago where he taught and did so for reasons no different than tens of thousands of other individuals who find time to teach at colleges and universities across the nation, a paycheck! 

Obama did not immerse himself into the world of academia as professors do, he do not debate constitutional law with would be fellow professors and he did not publish a single paper on law, much less constitutional law during his 12 years teaching at the University of Chicago.  

But polling must have revealed that his claim of being a constitutional law professor raised his marketability as from that March day forward, Obama regularly referred to himself as such, with little regard as to how disingenuous he was being.

No. 2  -  Don’t Get Attached to Campaign Promises
During the 2008 democratic primary, healthcare reform was a hot button topic with frontrunners Hillary Clinton, John Edwards and Barack Obama, specifically the individual mandate, which at the time was part of Hillary’s and Edward’s plan and highly opposed by Obama.

 During a presidential primary debate in January of 2008, Obama was being pressed by his opponents for not including an individual mandate in his plan to which he replied:

"A mandate means that in some fashion, everybody will be forced to buy health insurance." Instead of going that route, his plan, he said, "emphasizes lowering costs."

Obama held his position on the individual mandate throughout his campaign and was often vocal of his opposition to Hillary’s plan, once stating:

 Elect Hillary and the government will compel you to buy health insurance. Elect me, and I'll give you lower costs and let you keep your freedom.”

But all Obama’s talk of the individual mandate causing American’s to lose their freedom by forcing them to buy health insurance turned up to be empty as not more than six months after being sworn in to office he was embracing the individual mandate which was now a part of his forthcoming healthcare bill.

When later question as to why he was including the individual mandate, he simply replied “I changed my mind.” And that answer apparently was good enough for his supporters.

And the No 1 Way to Go From Jr. Senator to President

Be a Liberal, the main stream media just loves liberals!


  1. The biggest liar to ever be elected to public office, never mind being elected president!

    1. Keep in mind Anonymous....he didn't elect himself.....TWICE!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Never under estimate the power of a dream and vision followed by hard work make no mistake 44 did not get handed a silver plate of ease. Prejudice continues to try and stop POTUS which frys some peoples grits that an African American became a US President and he has done a excellent job. Folks can rant and bad mouth but Mr Obana has done almost all of what he said he would do. Now thats a fact of record including a turn in the countries economic recovery.

    1. The moment the race card is played the opinion loses all credibility. As for the presidents success, you could not have made that statement 6 months or a year ago. 5 1/2 years after the fact the economy and job growth finally show some life and now everyone on the left wants to put Obama up on their shoulders and take a victory lap. It's a day late and a dollar short. The president was handed the perfect storm, to take the presidency at the very end of a deep cutting recession with an economy poised for success. The Fed made virtually free money available and inflation was at near zero, under those conditions, baring any policies impeding growth, the economy should recovered on its own. Throw in the $800 billion stimulus which Obama claimed was needed to jump start the economy IMMEDIATELY and the recovery should have been off the rails.

      But as it turns out, Obama is now responsible for the worst economic recover in modern history, record low growth and a pittance of jobs added each month. And yet, liberals want to label this as success.

      The only thing this president has accomplished is healthcare reform and that cannot even be claimed as a success as it was a pure partisan vote that was barely achieved. Democrats had to work their asses off, make several compromises and back door deals to muster up enough votes to make the bill filibuster proof and then change the rules when the Senate lost a critical vote. That's not a success story that a lesson in unethical politics.

      Give me a break.
