has been just over two years since the opening of the healthcare Marketplace and
yet we still do not know definitively how many people have purchased a
healthcare plan through the state and federal healthcare exchanges.
After an abysmal turnout by the uninsured during the first open enrollment
period, the Obama Administration completely locked down the Department of
Health and Human Services (HHS) from releasing detailed enrollment data, particularly
anything pertaining to the number of uninsured that purchased a qualified
healthcare plan through the state and federal healthcare exchanges.
The Obama Administration had three years and spent nearly $1 billion taxpayer
dollars to enlightening us all on the wonders of ObamaCare. And as the opening day neared it was the President
himself who repeatedly touting what a great success the individual mandate was
going to be in bringing affordable healthcare to the 28 million uninsured individual
who qualified to participated on the healthcare Marketplace. And yet, so few showed that the
administration was embarrassed to make public the enrollment figure.
The first open enrollment period was supposed to be the biggie with the
millions of individuals who had been denied access to healthcare insurance due
to a pre-existing condition knocking down the doors to sign up, along with
others who the administration claimed always wanted healthcare insurance but
were simply priced out of the marketplace.
As it turns out, only a handful of those thought to be at the front of
the line on opening day ever turned out during the inaugural 6 month long open
enrollment period. Best estimates at the
time were that just over 1 million of the 8.1 million who purchased a
healthcare plan through the exchanges came from the pool of 28 million
uninsured. The balance was made up of
individuals who had their non-ACA compliant plans canceled and re-insured themselves
through the exchanges. The Obama
Administration never put an official head count to the number of uninsured who
purchased and maintained a healthcare plan during the open enrollment period
and they liked it that way.
The second open enrollment period fared no better than the first and the Obama
Administration remained just as tight lipped to the number of the nations
uninsured that purchased a healthcare plan through the exchanges. And while they made no mention of this failure,
the administration was constantly patting itself on the back for its success in
enrolling millions on to taxpayer funded Medicaid as a result of the program’s
At the close of the second open enrollment period, best estimates at the time
were that as many as 4 million of the nations uninsured might now have obtained
healthcare insurance through the exchanges.
However, as more information became available, that number slowly
dwindled to as few as three million. It
should also be noted that at the time ObamaCare was passed in to law, the administrations
original enrollment goal for the close of the second open enrollment period was
to have insured 10 million of our nation’s uninsured through the state and
federal healthcare exchanges.
Drilling Down on Enrollment
Two reports recently released by the HHS together have helped to shed new light
on enrollment of the uninsured through the healthcare exchanges.
First is the ASPE Date Point Report. Released this past September, from this
report we can see that HHS has adopted the figure of 15.3 million as the number
of people they are claiming to have gained healthcare coverage since the
beginning of open enrollment back in October of 2013. I say adopted as this is not a figure
generated by HHS but instead one provided through an independent survey
conducted by Gallup-Healthway Well-Being.
The 15.3 million figure reported by Gallup-Healthway and adopted by HHS is
reflective of all who have gained some form of healthcare coverage, since open
enrollment first began, regardless of source.
In other words, amongst the 15.3 million are all those who are now
covered through the Medicaid Expansion; those who purchased a healthcare plan
on the private marketplace; those who are now insured through their employer
and of course those who obtained healthcare coverage through the state and
federal exchanges.
Just to be sure we are clear, this 15.3 million enrollment figure includes the
entire universe of people that have gained some form of healthcare coverage
since open enrollment started. Also,
this third party generated figure, adopted by HHS, is not based on an actual
count and there is nothing that leads us to believe that HHS has validated it
in any way.
If it strikes you as odd that HHS does not use their own enrollment count, it
should as they most certainly have the resources to do so.
Second we have the CMS MedicaidEnrollment Report. CMS publishes
Medicaid enrollment updates monthly, this particular report being the latest
release and represent enrollment through July of this year. In the report we find that CMS has reported a
figure of 13.2 million individual have taken advantage of the Medicaid
expansion through July of this year.
Unlike the previous report, Medicaid enrollment is an actual count compiled
internally by CMS so they own this.
We will use the Medicaid enrollment figure to help us determine enrollment
through the healthcare exchanges but first I am going to take the liberty of
bumping it up by 200,000 to make it more representative of what enrollment
looked like in September thus matching the same time period of the previously
discussed ASPE report. Bump the Medicaid
enrollment figure to 13.4 million errors well on the side of caution, falling
well below the average increase in Medicaid enrollment for the past three
reported months.
Drum Roll Please
If we were to assume that since January 1, 2014 no uninsured person eligible to
participate on the healthcare Marketplace became insured through their employer
or an off-exchange insurer, then by removing the number of individuals who have
taken advantage of the Medicaid Expansion (13.4 million) from the total
reduction of the uninsured since open enrollment began (15.3 million) we would
arrive at the number of individuals who have obtained healthcare insurance
through the state and federal exchanges.
Under these assumptions, 1.9 million people obtained healthcare
insurance through the state and federal healthcare exchages.
Out of the pool of 28 million uninsured who are qualified to participate on the
ObamaCare created healthcare Marketplace, no more than 1.9 million have done so
over the course of two open enrollment periods.
That does not speak will for the healthcare law that was intended to
bring these 28 million people access to affordable healthcare. 1.9 million is also significantly less that previous
projections and is less than 20% of the administration targeted enrollment for
2015, as originally forecasted by the CBO and used to sell ObamaCare. This is also in no way, shape or form what was
promised to the American people when congressional Democrats and the President
jammed this law down our throats.
And 1.9 million still does not represent the number of people who actually purchased
a healthcare plan through the state and federal healthcare exchanges as it
still includes those who gained healthcare insurance through their employer and
those individuals who purchased healthcare insurance through a private or off-exchange
How Much Worse Does it Get?
It gets quite a bit worse actually.
We do not know the breakdown of the 1.9 million people who gained healthcare
coverage through other means than the Medicaid Expansion but what we do know is
that, since the opening of the healthcare Marketplace, 5 million new jobs have
been created. If just 10% of those new
jobs provided healthcare insurance to their new employees this 1.9 million
figure would be reduced by a half million.
If 44.5% of those new jobs provided healthcare insurance to their
employees, as reported in a 2013 Gallup-Healthwaystudy, it would wipe out the 1.9 million figure in its entirety and then
How many of these new jobs are providing the employee with healthcare insurance
we do not know but I think it is more than safe to assume that more than 10% do
and it would not be inconceivable that 40% could be doing so, based on current
trends. This certainly gives us
something to think about. And let’s not
forget, there are still those individual who purchased their healthcare plans
And It Could Be Even Worse!
Gallup-Healthway Well-Being is not the only industry expert studying the effect
that ObamaCare has had on the reduction of the nations uninsured. Other well respected organizations such as
the Rand Corp, the Commonwealth Fund and the Urban Institute all have performed
similar studies with varying results.
For example, sometime after the close of the first open enrollment period, each
of these groups conducted their own studies on the effect ObamaCare was having
on the reduction of the uninsured. Their results ranged from 9.5 million to as
low as 8 million. For the same period
the Gallup-Healthway survey concluded a reduction of 10.3 million, more than
20% higher than the lowest resulting study.
It would be impossible to determine which of these studies was the most
accurate and it is not important to do so.
What is important is to understand and accept that there could be as
much as a 20% variation in the results of these studies.
Clearly, which study HHS choses to adopt to represent
the overall reduction of the nations uninsured will have a significant impact when
determining the number of people who could have possibly obtained a healthcare
plan through the state and federal healthcare exchanges. If you were to lower the current adopted
figure of 15.3 million by 20% you would actually arrive at a net negative
enrollment through the exchanges. (12.2
million – 13.4 million)
Enrollment May Even Be Upside Down
The pool of 28 million people qualified to participate on the healthcare
Marketplace may have actually grown since open enrollment began.
As many as 2.2 million people are likely to have gained healthcare insurance
through their new employer since ObamaCare enrollment started. This figure surpasses the 1.9 million maximum
non-Medicaid Expansion enrollments to date.
For this to happen the pool of uninsured qualified to participate on the
healthcare Marketplace would have to grow by 300,000. Of course, every one of those 2.2 million who
likely gained insurance through their employer were not all uninsured but a
good majority of them were.
A fair look at the overall reduction of the nations uninsured would all but
close the gap between the overall reduction figure and those who have taken
advantage of the Medicaid Expansion. There
being a 20% disparity between the results of the highest and lowest studies
conducted by four of industries leading experts, if we were to take the average
results the overall reduction in the nation’s uninsured would be reported at
roughly 13.8 million. With 13.4 million
having taken advantage of the Medicaid Expansion, this accounts for almost all
of the nation’s reduction of the uninsured leaving virtually all of the pool of
28 million eligible to participate on the healthcare Marketplace
If the full 20% disparity were applied, the overall reduction in the nation’s
uninsured would be reported at around 12.2 million. Taking in to consideration the 13.4 million
who have taken advantage of the Medicaid Expansion, this would mean that the
pool of 28 million people who are eligible to participate on the healthcare
Marketplace would have to grow by 1.2 million.
Last Point
All this number crunching has my head spinning but it is important to take the
time to drill down on these figures and understand how effective (or
ineffective) the individual mandate has been in reducing the pool of 28 million
uninsured Americans who are not qualified for Medicaid. As you can see, things do not look so good,
in fact that look beyond terrible. Based
on these finding, the Individual Mandate is a total failure and may actually be
driving the uninsured rate up instead of down.
This was concluded using numbers derived, adopted and published by HHS and
therefore are endorsed by the Obama Administration. These are their numbers, they own this!
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