Monday, June 15, 2015

The Irony of ObamaCare Subsidies

With the Supreme Court expecting to release their decision on the King vs. Burwell case any day now, Democrats, with the aid of the liberal media, have been pushing the narrative that Republicans will be responsible for the 6.4 million Americans that could face the possibility of losing their healthcare if the SCOTUS rules in favor of King.

How ironic is it that the party who solely created and passed a massively complex and purely partisan piece of legislation of which the majority of Americans have never been in favor of, wants to make this a Republican problem.  But there is an even greater irony of which pertains to the subsidies themselves.

Let’s brake this whole subsidies thing down so to see what I am talking about.

Of the 6.4 million individuals the Obama Administration claims could lose their healthcare insurance if in fact the Supreme Court rules in favor of the King, well over 4 million of those individuals were insured and paying a premium they found affordable prior to being mandated to do so by the Federal Government.  Now that's ironic

And of the roughly 2 million in balance, whom we have no idea of what their income status is other than it is above what would qualify them for Medicaid, the narrative Democrats would like people to believe is that every one of these 2 million or so individuals would find healthcare insurance unaffordable without the aid of subsidies.  However, it is just as likely that some percentage of these individuals were capable of affording healthcare insurance at pre-Obamacare rates but simply chose not to.  This too is quite ironic.

Whatever the percentage of these 2 million individuals, whose income is in fact so low that they are relied upon the subsidies in order to afford healthcare insurance, they would be no worse off if they where to lose their insurance than they were before Obamacare existed.  And if in fact these individuals were to lose their healthcare plans, they would have Congressional Democrats and  President Obama to thank for passing in to law such a convoluted, poorly written and massively unpopular partisan healthcare bill that was certain to be riddled with problems and likely to be repealed.

And wouldn’t it be ironic of it took a Supreme Court decision in favor of King to finally get ObamaCare out of the way so that legislators could then sit down and ultimately create a market based healthcare reform plan that actually made healthcare affordable instead of just getting other people to pay for a subsidies Band-Aid?

1 comment:

  1. The tests were done in New Jersey, California, Kentucky and North Dakota this year to check the current 2015 anti-fraud protection systems operated by both Obamacare and Medicaid to enroll in obamacare by phone
