Monday, June 8, 2015

Could a $15 Minimum Wage Spur High School Students to Dropout?

Think about this for a moment!  There are oh so many high school students that, for any number of reasons, have little incentive to go to school each day.  These are not the collage driven set, they are the future labor and technical trade kids.  Many of them see little reason to get up and go to school each day other than it being a condition set by their parents in order to receive three meals a day and a dry place to sleep at night.

So what if that part time, crap burger joint job they are working at nearly doubles their pay?  That 17 year old semi-lost child now has money to spare and sees little reason to go to school each day when he or she could dropout and work a 40 hour week making $15 per hour working a minimal effort job.

There are such kids in every high school that are doing this now, at today’s minimum wage, so it would be crazy to pretend that the High School dropout rate would not jump considerably when you start waving lots of minimum wage dollar bills in their face.

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