Friday, May 29, 2015

Democrats – Please Answer This One Simple Question

I have just one question for all the Democrats out there and please answer honestly.  It’s a Yes or No question and your answer requires no explanation or validation so this won’t take but a second of your time.  Okay, here is the question!

Are you okay with the fact that Hillary Clinton was never going to turn over any of her emails to the State Department after her departure as Secretary of State?

Let’s forget about the fact that the emails Hillary did eventually turn over were hand-picked by herself and then scrutinized by her team of lawyers before being boxed up and delivered State Department, making it impossible to know if they are a complete record of her time served as Secretary of State.

And let’s not think about the fact that the only reason Hillary turned over these emails was due to the pressure she was receiving from the State Department of which was also being pressured to produce Benghazi related documents of hers.

Also try to block from your mind that Hillary remained silent on the fact that she had sole possession of her emails while she saw one congressional oversight committee after another chastise the State Department for not making available her emails, while she learned of countless FOIA requests for her emails and while she stood and watched the State Department ignore subpoenas for her emails.

And please don’t think about the fact that we did not learn of Hillary’s unprecedented email arrangement with herself {as Trey Gowdy so eloquently put it} until after the Associated Press discovered and revealed the story behind the private Clinton email server earlier this year.  As well, try and pretend you are unaware of the fact the Hillary had since had the email server scrubbed of information and has refused to turn it over to in independent third party for forensic analysis.

Just ignore for a moment that all these troubling issues exist and stick with the fundamental yes or no question of if you are okay with the fact that Hillary Clinton was never going to turn over any of her emails to the State Department after her departure as Secretary of State?

Thanks for your time.

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