Monday, January 19, 2015

Hillary in 2016 - Really?

The list of presidential hopefuls has begun to grow as both parties look ahead to 2016.

The Republican pool of potential nominees is already running pretty deep, as indicated on Ron Gunzburger’s Politics1 website and some early polls have the top several contenders polling pretty evenly.

Democratic potential nominees currently fill little more than a wading pool with the top runner, Hillary Clinton out polling everyone by a significant margin.  In the most recent Real Clear Politics average, Hillary has her closes polling competitor, Elizabeth Warren, beat by a margin of over 5 to 1.  However, Warren has already declared that she would not seek the presidency in 2016 making Vice President Joe Biden Hillary’s next closest contender whom she is currently beating by a more than 6 to 1 margin in the polls. 

So what will the strategy for either party be to get their guy or gal a shiny new set of keys to the White House in 2016?

For Republicans, so long as Hillary remains the Democratic front runner, the best thing they can do, as a party, is to keep her front and center, morning, noon and night.  They should run weekly, even daily polls to show how Hillary is outpacing all other Democratic challengers by significant margins, making it ever so clear that Democrats are a one trick pony for 2016 and have been so for quite some time.    

Democrats have already ordered the marble name plate for Hillary’s desk yet nobody knows for sure if she is actually going to seek the nomination.  What will democrats do if Hillary declines the opportunity to be their supreme leader?  The fact of the matter is, Hillary may not even be able to run for the democratic nomination much less the presidency and nobody knows this better than she does. 

Publically, both Congressional Democrats and the White House continue to claim that the  investigations regarding the terrorist attack on Benghazi are complete, have failed to uncover any wrong doing and have been nothing more than a partisan witch hunt by Republicans.  Behind closed doors however, there as a great deal more concern over the ongoing investigation being headed up by Trey Gowdy, with nobody being more concerned than Hillary Clinton herself.

As the special committee proceeds with its investigation, at some point Hillary will be called to testify.  This time it will not be a love fest where Democrats on the committee spend their time well-wishing Hillary and apologizing to her for the inconvenience being imposed upon her by their evil Republican counterparts, as was the case when she testified before the Senate Foreign  Relations Committee almost two years ago to the day.  Hillary will this time have to face real questions and will be demanded to be accountable for her activities before, during and after the attack.  Hillary will almost certainly be asked to make available her diary of notes she kept as Secretary of State and if she does not it will likely be subpoenaed out of the white knuckled grip she has around it, assuming this has not been done so already.  Yes, Benghazi will be hanging over Hillary’s head if she takes a run for the presidency, completely impossible for her to avoid as has been the case in the past with the aid of democratic partisans who were part of the oversight process.

If Hillary does manage to survive Benghazi and captures the Democratic Presidential Nomination, she still has a litany of issues that will haunt her through the process.  Her less than stellar tenure as US Secretary of State will be picked apart but of course she can always blame her boss for those failures as she in fact was nothing more than a spokesperson for an undefined and usually misguided foreign policy.  

If she received the nomination, Hillary will also be held accountable for her time served as a US Senator where not a single piece of substantial legislation, with her name on it, ever made it through committee much less was ever passed into law.  Hillary’s morals and ethics of course will once again be called into question including her motive behind how she handled the Monica Lewinsky affair.  Republican will reach as far back to her works as an investigator during the Watergate scandal where, as her former boss more recently put it, “She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer. She conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the committee and the rules of confidentiality.”  Of course, Republicans will also ask Hillary if she has had to duck and run from any sniper fire lately, a claim she once made about a visit to Bosnia which video proved to be false.

If Hillary Clinton is the best that Democrats have to offer, as the polls overwhelming indicate she is, this does not speak well of any alternative her party would have to rally behind in the event she does not run.  Republicans need to keep this fact front and center as this will completely discredit any other contender they may face if in the end Hillary ends up not throwing her name in the hat.  And if for some reason Hillary chooses not to, it will be difficult for anyone to give a believable endorsement to any of the other candidates after having shown such overwhelming support towards Hillary. 

And let’s not forget Hillary herself and how a 40 plus year politician; former First Lady of Arkansas; former First Lady of the Unite States; US Senator and the 2008 “sure thing” for the Democratic Presidential nomination got her ass handed to her by a relative unknown Jr. Senator with virtually no experience and a blank resume.

As for the Democrat’s strategy to fend off their Republican opponents, it appears that they don’t really think they need one so long as Hillary is in play.  They seem to have already put all their eggs in one basket, claiming victor for Queen Hillary!

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