Tuesday, January 20, 2015

For Democrats the 2016 Campaign Season Starts Tonight

As President Obama steps before a joint session of congress tonight to deliver to them his State of the Union Address, as he looks out from the podium,what he will see is an affirmation of six years of failure serving as the President of the United States of America.

Over the past few days we have heard bits and pieces of what is on the president’s agenda for the coming year, which he plans to announce in tonight’s State of the Union Address.  This, coupled with the recent rise in his job approval ratings has the liberal news media all a buzz with stories of a revitalized president who is going on the offense as he faces off with the new, republican controlled congress.  It’s hard to imagine however, as to how the president could be more successful pushing his progressive agenda forward in a Republican controlled congress when he could not get the job done with a split congress nor when his party held full control.  And the fact of the matter is, he won’t be more successful.  Furthermore, he does not even intend to be.

A Better Campaigner than President

Admittedly, President Obama loves campaigning and as he enters into his final two years as a lame duck president, he will begin doing so starting with tonight’s State of the Union Address in which he will be introducing his new ideas of providing free community college and of course, taxing the wealthy once again.

Neither of these ideas has a chance of gaining any traction in the new congress nor were they intended to.  They do however create an opportunity for democrats to go on the offensive by once again portraying Republicans as the party of rich greedy white guys that would rather see the middle class and students suffer rather than give in to the president’s agenda.

This is not the first time we have seen this tactic used by President Obama and it certainly will not be the last as in his remaining time in office he will serve more as a Campaigner in Chief than a nation builder or leader.  He will instead take on the role of a demagogue of sorts, paying back democrats for all the harm he has caused the party over the past six years. He will do so by introducing one highly progressive idea after another which will quickly be rejected by republicans thus serving as new fuel to be used against them by Democrats.

The Tone Will Change
After losing both the House and the Senate, as a direct result of his own policies and failed leadership, one would think a more humbled man would have emerge, a man more willing to listen to the voice of the people who spoke ever so loudly against the path he was leading them down, a man more accepting of the fact that the majority of American’s do not share his progressive views and most of all, a man capable of looking back at his own failed track record and willing to make the necessary adjustments to lead this country towards a brighter future as he was so chosen to do.  But what emerged instead was an angry president incapable of taking responsibility and wanting nothing more than to punish those he blames for his demise.

We should expect to hear a very non-presidential tone from Obama tonight, a tone of indignation aimed towards Republicans.  Demonizing Republicans has been the only effective campaign tool available to democrats since President Obama has taken office and tonight the president will set the stage for those democrats readying themselves for 2016.  Some of the tone will be campaign rhetoric but the president truly is pissed that his presidential delusions of grandeur have failed to come to fruition and this will show through tonight while he speaks.

Will We Hear Anything New Tonight?

Other than his angry tone, I don’t believe anyone expects to hear anything new come out of the president’s State of the Union address tonight.  President Obama will put a new twist on the same old agenda that has failed to move forward over the previous five years and of course he will be ratcheting up the rhetoric against Republicans as he sets the 2016 presidential campaign season in to motion.  All in all, people might find watching re-runs of 1980’s sitcoms to be more enlightening.  We will know if this is the case in the morning when the viewership numbers come out.

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