Saturday, September 26, 2015

ObamaCare - Do You Remember How We Got Here?

For those millions of American’s who sing praise and support to President Obama for all the years of hard work and dedication he put into bringing affordable healthcare to those Americans who have none, you might not want to read this!

Back Before ObamaCare

Unlike so many rising stars of both the Democratic and Republican Party who gained their recognition through their outstanding work and service, Barack Hussein Obama's story is quite different. 

Obama was a Junior Senator who was all but unknown outside the Democratic Party and the Senate.  With a near empty resume and almost no name recognition, it was a by chance  opportunity, created by none other than John Kerry, which brought Obama to the stage of the 2004 Democratic National Convention.  It was through a speech he gave at the convention that Barack Obama gained his star status.  The audience found this unknown black Senator from the State of Illinois to be both captivating and inspirational.

Most outside the black community could not have told you that Obama had a book on the #1 Best Sellers list in 2006, courtesy of Oprah Winfrey.  Before becoming a household name, those familiar with Senator Obama described him as the young Senator who gave a rousing Keynote Address at the 2004 DNC.  It was at that time which Barack Obama caught the attention of a few senior Democrats who saw “marketing potential” in this young, energetic and well-spoken Senator.

Early into his bid for the Democratic Presidential nomination Obama was heavily criticized by many political analysts for not having enough experience to be a serious candidate.  And it was not long before Senator Obama helped to prove that point.  It was during an early campaign speech, in front of a group of union members that his inexperience and ill preparedness was first brought to light.

The then Senator Obama had stated many times prior, his position on desiring a single payer type, Universal (government run) Healthcare system yet he had failed to delve any deeper into his stated position then his fundamental idea.  His failure to have ever formulated an actual healthcare plan caught up to him shortly after throwing his name in the hat for the 2008 democratic presidential nomination.  While speaking before a group of union members at a campaign event, Senator Obama was asked to provide a few details of his proposed healthcare policy.  It was at that moment that Senator Obama realized he had not so much as even develop talking points to his vision of healthcare reform much less put together its actual framework.  The fundamental transformation of the nation’s healthcare system was to be one of the key platform items of his candidacy run and what would become the cornerstone of his platform during his run for the presidency.  But at that moment Obama  had to ad-lib which created an embarrassing moment for both himself and the Democratic Party.

Amid their busy campaign schedule, candidate Obama (or more likely members of his staff) hastily threw his healthcare platform together and in late May of 2007 he unveiled his Universal HealthCare Plan.

Obama and Hillary Debate

Healthcare reform was a hot topic of discussion between Clinton and Obama while campaigning for the Democratic presidential nomination.  The fundamental difference between their two healthcare plans was the “individual mandate”.  Ironically, the individual mandate was not part of candidate Obamas plan at the time but was however included in Hillary’s.  When questioned on his thoughts regarding an individual mandate, candidate Obama rebuked the idea stating that it would “force” everyone to buy healthcare insurance.  Throughout their campaigns, the individual mandate was a favorite target of Senator Obama’s, stating regularly that if you chose Hillary’s plan you would be forced, by the government, to purchase healthcare insurance while with his plan your freedom would remain intact.

Senator Obama went on to win the Democratic presidential nomination and then the presidency in large part due to the promises he made to transform the healthcare system to a non-intrusive and highly affordable one.

Creating ObamaCare

Immediately after changing his residence to the White House, President Obama instructed congress to get to work on a Universal Healthcare plan that he wanted signed into law while in his first year in office.  The house floated several bills but it was the Senate bill, with its bi-partisan support, that stuck to the wall best with Democrats.  This early Senate bill became the framework for Obama’s healthcare transformation.

The first real hurdle came when Senate Democrats, at the advice of health policy experts, had to persuade the President to adopt a number of congressional proposals the most significant of which was the individual mandate, something that the President and vehemently opposed throughout his campaign.  But politics as they are, the President traded promise and integrity for political posturing as the more liberal healthcare reform ideals he campaigned on would not likely survive a filibuster.  It must be noted that the particular industry expert that pushed the President to adopt the Individual mandate was none other than Jonathan Gruber.  Yea that guy that the President, Nancy Pelosi and many other Democrats who were involved in creating the ObamaCare legislation not so long ago claimed they had hardly a recollection of who he was and also stated that he played a very small role in the shaping of ObamaCare.

The flip flop on the individual mandate would be the first of nearly a dozen political manipulations and stunts pulled by Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and the President’s Executive Pen in hand.

We’ve Got This (at any cost)

At this point it became blatantly clear to Republicans that there was going to be nothing bi-partisan about the Affordable Care Act.  The bill would ultimately be crafted by a few key democrats in the Senate who had long dreamed of pushing their vision of Universal Healthcare and this was their big chance.

The individual mandate led to what would become the most telling of Democratic political plays, the “it’s a tax, it’s not a tax” individual mandate flip flop.  Early on, to appease certain congressional lawmakers, democrats were adamant in their position that the individual mandate was absolutely not a tax.  In certain courts, Democrats argued that the individual mandate was a tax while in other courts they argued that it was not, it just depended what Democrats needed the mandate to be for the particular fight they were engaged in.  In the final make-or-break battle, Democrats needed the Supreme Court to rule that the individual mandate was in fact a tax.  This was the final hurdle Democrats needed to clear in order to pass ObamaCare in to law and as we know, the Supreme Court ruled that the individual mandate was in fact a tax.

Maybe the most controversial yet media downplayed of antics that took place to secure the necessary votes for ObamaCare was the conviction of Alaska’s U.S. Senator Ted Stevens (R), a conviction that was later dismissed due to gross prosecutorial misconduct and the withholding of evidence.  Even though Stevens was dismissed of all charges, the damage was done both to Stevens political career and of course the removal of the vote that would have blocked the ObamaCare bill from being past in the Senate as Stevens would have surly voted against it.  There were two other highly controversial Senate seats lost that would have surly been a thumbs down vote for ObamaCare but without the support of the media, it is impossible to gain public attention to possible misconducts and we all know were the allegiance lies with the majority of the media.

Budget impropriety also had its place in the crafting of ObamaCare.  In an effort to avoid breaking certain budget rules that would have forced Democrats to engage in budgetary proceedings that would have without a doubt taken away their super majority, some savings claims of the bill were double counted while certain spending were mislabeled so as not to be included in the tally of the bills projected cost.  This was all revealed after the fact but as we know, after the fact means absolutely nothing.

Pro-life Democrats got the shaft as well although only through their own ignorance.  To circumvent their concerns of public funds being used to conduct abortions, President Obama convinced those pro-lifers that through Executive Order, he had the power to influence the intent of the law.  And so, with a quick sweep of the executive pen, it was made so.  However, in the end, Obama’s executive action had no effect on the law.

And there were many more such tumultuous manipulations and maneuvers along the journey to the final passage of the Affordable Care Act!

Selling their Souls and Selling Out the American People

The crafting of the ObamaCare bill in such a way that it could not be opposed by Republicans became an ugly process.  While the bill, in most accounts, appeared to be within the law it certainly pushed politics far beyond the boundaries of moral and ethical conduct, even for politicians.  From the start, it was evident that the guaranteed passage of healthcare bill held far more importance to Democrats than the actual content of the bill, which kept the president largely disengaged from the process.  Democrats were making history here for Pete’s Sake!

For a piece of legislation as significant as a national healthcare bill, one would think that the Will of the People would have been deserving of much more consideration than given by the Democrats who willfully ignored the very loud calls of opposition across the nation.  As well, in the decision process of signing a bill of this magnitude in to law, who would have ever imagined that a president would even consider putting pen to paper when not so much as a smidgen of bipartisan agreement existed?  But such was not the case with ObamaCare, a bill which no House or Senate Republican support nor ever held the support of the majority of the American people.

President Obama and the entire Democratic Party know full well why ObamaCare is so strongly opposed by the majority of American people as well as by small businesses; large corporations; unions and their Republican counterparts, but they simply do not nor have they ever cared.  From the start, Democrats have been so deeply invested in ObamaCare that it has made it impossible for them to admit any degree of the laws failure regardless of circumstance.

1 comment:

  1. Remember when Obama's chief architect of Obama Care called American Voters "too
    stupid to figure out his scam"' he was 90 percent correct, but the remaining 10 percent caught his duplicitous ass lying. It's time for payback let's send the aristocracy back to advanced liars school.
