Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Don’t the Wealthy Already Do Enough?

Wealthy people do not use public defenders, if needed, they hire a private attorney.  The wealthy rarely call on law enforcement to deal with repeated domestic issues, to report vandalism, complain about the neighbors trashy looking yard, report gang activity, drug activity, loud parties or to make false accusations about the bimbo living next door that their husband keeps staring at.  Wealthy people are almost exclusively self-employed or under contract and therefore never become eligible for unemployment benefits.  Wealthy people are rarely in need of social services, child protective services, the DEA, ATF or most any other tax paid agency.  And wealthy people never draw from welfare or any other form of social assistance.  You’re not likely to find an EBT card in the pocket of a wealthy person either. 

The offspring of wealthy people, more often than not, attend private schools yet they still pay into the public school system, it is not an opt-out program.  As their offspring grow older they are usually not in need of college grants, government loans or tuition assistance. 

Even if they do not own a business that provides employment to others, a large percentage of the wealthy provide non-business related employment to others in the form of hiring nanny services, personal assistances, housekeeping, accountants, pool service, private tooters and legal counsel.  Indirectly the wealthy help increase employment through such things as travel agencies, vacation and resort staff, high end boutique employees, country club staff, high dollar entertainment etc. even to the valet that parks their car for them.

Statistically, the wealthy are healthier than others and also typically have far better health insurance, making them less of a burden on the already over-burdened health insurance industry.  The wealthy are not in need of, nor can they qualify for government subsidized health benefits and you’ll not likely find a wealthy person sitting in the lobby of a Free Clinic.

The wealthy do not have a special tax code that they operate under, they use the same tax code as every other citizen.  By virtue have having more money, the wealthy do invest their money in areas where the tax codes provide them incentive to do so in order to keep the money at home.  So yes, when you average all the various deductions crated by their higher spending activities, a wealthy person might pay less taxes as a percentage of their income than that a middle class person with far fewer investment/deduction opportunities but at the end of the day the wealthy person still pays significantly more in overall tax dollars.  The notion that a wealthy person pays less in taxes is absolutely absurd.

So, in a nut shell, the wealthy utilize almost no taxpayer funded social services, they create a significant number of employment opportunities and they pay far more in overall taxes than the average middle class Joe.  They do all of this while dumping exponentially more money into the economy than any low or middle class person.  And yet Liberal Democrats and those who embrace the new swing towards progressivism want the wealthy to pick up the tab for everyone that is less fortunate than they happen to be.

I do not begrudge a wealthy person for having more than my middle class self does and I certainly do not believe they should be paying my, or anyone else’s bills.  And last, I damn sure don’t believe the wealthy should be burdened with filling the budget gap.  The debt and deficit is a government spending problem driven largely by a never ending list of social entitlement programs.  The deficit is in no way a revenue problem that needs to be solved by the wealthy.

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