Thursday, March 12, 2015

Republicans Do Not Need a Replacement for ObamaCare

There mere fact that Democratic Lawmakers are constantly asking the question, “Where is the Republican plan?” tells the world that they are worried about the fate of ObamaCare and this has been going on long before King v Burwell took center stage.

Look, ObamaCare was not a Republican idea and the few Republicans that did support some of the very very early drafts quickly abandoned ship when they saw the direction their democratic counterparts where heading with the bill.

ObamaCare did not replace any other legislation, there was no broken reform law on the books prior to ObamaCare that it replaced.  And let’s not forget the passage of ObamaCare not only came with nationwide opposition but was passed with ZERO Republican support.

After the initial attempts at creating new healthcare legislation, the process became a pure partisan, behind the doors process so much so that a large portion of the legislation was specifically crafted to block the Republican’s ability to filibuster the bill.  How could this approach have any possibility of creating good reform?

The bill faced major opposition, not just from Republican Lawmakers, but from business professionals, industry experts, medical professionals and hard-working, tax paying Americans from one end of the country to the other.  There has not been a more contentious issue put before the people in decades nor have so many people ever been so engaged in defeating a bill.  The people voiced their opposition, aired their grievances and displayed their lack of support for the bill at countless town hall meetings, hundreds of thousands of letters, petitions, organized protest and through thousands of opinion polls, none of which has ever indicated a majority in favor of the law.  

And yet, the president moved forward and signed the highly controversial, vastly unpopular and purely partisan bill that passed the Democratic controlled House and Senate using unethical practices and last second, bill saving rule changes.  There was nothing that spoke in favor of this major piece of legislation, legislation that would adversely affect the lives of exponentially more people than it would help.

And everything that Republicans were concerned about, warned about and fought to prevent has come to fruition.

No, sir, Republicans have no need or obligation to come up with a replace for ObamaCare, this mess is on President Obama and the Democratic Lawmakers that rammed this poorly written and disastrous piece of partisan legislation down the throats of Americans.

And how about those millions who now have some form of healthcare coverage which will be taken away from them if in fact ObamaCare is repealed of fails on its own, what happens to them?  Maybe it’s time that Democratic Lawmakers start devising a plan B for this scenario as it was they who thought it wise to bundle the Medicaid Expansion into a massive and complex piece of legislation that they knew would face a fight to have it repealed the moment it was passed in to law, not to mention the Supreme Court challenges it was certain to face.  It’s almost as if it was the Democrat’s intention to include the Medicaid expansion into the law to serve as some sort of human shield so to speak, now putting millions of individual’s newly found healthcare in jeopardy.  Again, this was not a Republican idea, this falls flat in the laps of Democrats and President Obama.

Democrats really F’d this one up.  They threw every ounce of their support behind an unproven president and his desire to create a legacy for himself, created the largest social entitlement program seen in half a century and allow it to move forward on a pure party line vote.  ObamaCare is the single act that set the political tone for Obama’s entire presidency and it’s not been a good tone.  ObamaCare was unliked by the majority as a bill and has been a never ending divide between the parties for nearly 6 years now.

It’s on the president and his party to come up with a replacement to ObamaCare, they can’t pass the buck and hold Republicans responsible for this mess, this is all on them!

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