Sunday, December 23, 2012

Boehner's ‘Plan B’ A Failure Or Success?

If you believe the Liberal Media, Speaker of the House John Boehner is taking a beating by his own party after not being able to muster up enough support to pass his ‘Plan B’, a proposed stopgap measure to avert the ‘fiscal cliff’.  But is this really the case or was the doomed plan part of the Speaker’s strategy?

Having been up against the ropes since the White House started it’s media campaign to vilify Republicans for caring more about protecting the top two percent of wage earners at the expense of the other 98 percent, Speaker Boehner has stood his ground on the absurdity of targeting the nations wealthy as a means to fix the White House’s spending problem.  As it became grossly apparent that President Obama had no intention of offering anything of real compromise, the Speaker pitched his ‘Plan B’ which included tax increases for those earning greater than $1 million annually.  Knowing that his ‘Plan B’ could never gain enough support from his Republican counterparts, in a bold move Speaker Boehner went ahead and introduced the contents of his plan to the White House and the press.

Democrats react

It took no more than a few moments for Democrats to react negatively to Speaker Boehner’s ‘Plan B’ proposal on Wednesday, with the President almost immediately vowing he would veto the plan if it passed a House vote, once again making it clear the President’s lack of desire to make any concessions that would help to avoid going over the fiscal cliff.

And so, on Thursday, after failing to gain the support needed to pass ‘Plan B’, Speaker Boehner put the ball back in the President’s court making it clear he has given the White House his “best and final” offer and now it is up to President Obama to act.

It was the Speakers ‘Plan’ all along

Knowing that he could never gain the support of House Republicans, it is likely that Speaker Boehner’s ‘Plan B’ was never intended to serves as a measure to avoid the fiscal cliff but instead a vessel to send a clear message to the White House that House Republicans simply do not have the stomach for increasing revenue on anyone without some serious concessions in spending by the White House. As a bonus for Republicans, the President’s reaction to the ‘Plan B’ once again revealed his complete lack of desire to negotiate at any level.

The message has been sent, now we will just have to wait and see how serious President Obama is in steering a course towards deficit reduction and economic recover of if he would rather send our economy into a double dip recession by taking us over the fiscal cliff.

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